Upcoming Plans for Heart of Steel: Based on a True Story

Just a quick post to let everyone know what's going on with future plans for my book Heart of Steel.

BOOK REVIEWERS! If you are a book reviewer and would to receive a reviewers copy of Heart of Steel, please contact my PR firm, Allen Media Strategies and request one.
Contact: shaili@allenmediastrategies.com. 

BOOK CLUBS! - Recommend and order Heart of Steel for your book club. In exchange the author Kevin D. Miller will attend a book signing and question/discussion session for your club. Everyone will also receive a free bookmark and a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Contact: webmilleraz@gmail.com

Plans for an Audio Book are in the works. Hoping to launch the audio book by Summer 2020.

I am currently working on writing the screenplay for a feature film for Heart of Steel. My plans are to begin pitching the screenplay sometime next year.

Kicking around the idea of creating a Podcast version of Heart of Steel. Will keep everyone posted as this idea develops.

Sales of Heart of Steel are going well on Amazon. I just recently added the paperback version of Heart of Steel to the Barnes & Noble website. Links are below:

Amazon: www.amazon.com/dp/0578531615

B&N: www.barnesandnoble.com/w/heart-of-steel-kevin-d-miller/1133922386?ean=9780578609829

Heart of Steel is receiving rave reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and Reader's Favorite. A Kirkus review is due to arrive by December 2nd. Check out some the reviews of what people are saying on the website here: heartofsteelbook.com/reviews.html

Check out the website to listen to podcasts of interviews I did recently on Extreme Genes and Voice America Radio and also read some of the articles written about myself and Heart of Steel along with other news: heartofsteelbook.com/news.html

Purchase a personalized autographed copy of Heart of Steel by visiting heartofsteelbook.com/.

Happy Reading!



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