Screenwriter for Heart of Steel the Movie Hired

The screenwriter has been hired to write the screenplay for the movie version of Heart of Steel . Award-winning screenwriter and playwright Ty DeMartino has agreed to take on the project. Ty read the book and fell in love with the story and enthusiastically came on board. The screenplay may take 3 to 5 months to complete. At that time, GKg Productions will begin the sometimes lengthy process of pitching the screenplay along with the book to movie producers, studios and investors. Once an investor can be contracted production will begin. Heart of Steel earned a #1 Best Seller badge on Amazon in November 2019. The book was released initially on August 10, 2019. The story is based on the true life story of author Kevin D. Miller's grandfather Stanley William Miller (Puchalski). The book is available in paperback and eBook on Amazon and in paperback on Barnes & Noble. It also can be found online at Walmart. To learn more, visit .